Investing in B2B Disruptive Ventures


INCUB2B is a new Tech Incubator, focusing on B2B disruptive ventures. We offer up to two years program for early stage ventures including seed investment, echo-system as well as expert services, mentoring, consultancy, stratigic connections and more. ..

Lior Cohen


Yair Amit


Hila Srour


Agmon David Porat

Startup Scouter

Daniel Damboritz

Legal Partner - Arnon Tadmor-Levy Law Firm

Omer Margalit

Financial Partner - BDO firm, BIG4

Gad Bennet

Patent Partner - Ben Ami & Associates

Arik Faingold

R&D Partner - Commit

Oren Bason

PR Partner - Allmedia

Seed Investment

The program includes a significant SEED investment

Echo System

The program provides a professional cooperation with lead firm and service providers

Mentoring & Consultancy

The program includes mentoring & consultancy by experts and industry leaders

Networking & Connection

The program offers strategical & effective networking and connections
